Saturday, September 8, 2012

30 Day Challenge

I went into this challenge knowing and anticipating the physical, mental, and spiritual changes. What I didn't anticipate was intensity of the magnitude of these changes.

Physically, my limbs were becoming more defined and I regained flexibility that I thought was long gone. Of course my abs are getting whipped into shape from all the sets of boat poses and other fun abs burning poses. I didn't drop any weight, but I fit into my clothes better. What blew me away was the changes I experienced mentally. 

I am a type A perpetual planner/worrier. Not something I'm proud of, but hey, at least I can admit it. What yoga did for me and is continuing to do for me is to slow my mind down. It helps me with my anxiety and it helps me stop stressing over the trivial bull so that I can see the bigger picture. When I get stressed out or something pisses me off, I am able to step back from the situation and take a breath. I don't want to say comebacks and be defensive when people are rude to me because it doesn't matter anymore. Why should I let my day get ruined because someone else wants to bring me down to their energy level? It makes me be grateful that I'm able to wake up in the morning and that I'm on this side of the ground. Everything else can be handled with time and thought. Spirituality has a lot to do with me being able to relinquish control. 

Three times in meditation I saw a glimpse of something so beautiful that it brought tears to my eyes. It gave me the courage to not be afraid. It gave me the courage to trust and to believe in myself. It reminded me that I don't know everything, but it's okay because I will one day. It's continuing to teach me that even though the world can be a scary place, I can still hold my head high as I walk through it. 

The most important thing that I learned is: one day at a time.

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