Saturday, September 15, 2012


How it Affects our Point of View 

The mind is easily engulfed in aviyda, which in English, can be translated into misconception. Aviyda, is described in four different branches: 1) the ego; 2) greed; 3) hatred; 4) fear.

In his book The Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice T.K.V. Desikachar explains that we start yoga to break away the bonds that aviyda has on our minds and souls. That once we can see something clearly and correctly, there is a deep peace within us. 

We all start yoga for a reason. It can be physical, it can be mental, it can be spiritual.. a reason that is so profound and meaningful that a lot of times we can't even speak about it since that is how dear it is to us. The reason I give people on why I started yoga is to rehab my knee. The real reason that I started yoga is to find mental peace. 

Not that I'm one breath from the mental institute, but I was getting tired of all the built of anxiety, resentment, and stress. It was something that I was completely ashamed of and defensive about when anyone tried to talk to me about it. So ashamed that I had to have an easy reason to give people on why I started yoga. 

Yoga changed all that. I feel such a peace that I have not known my entire life after only practicing for two months. Just being able to calm my mind so that I can focus my thoughts and being able to concentrate on what I'm feeling. My mind was completely smothered with aviyda, like how you would smother your pancakes with syrup. The thick stickiness of aviyda is hard to break through and it fights to keep its grip. 

I know when avidya is trying to regain control. I can actually feel the presence of it and feel the energy change within me. It's a really strange sensation when your entire being feels avidya and is battling to keep it at bay. I know how misconception can change my entire perspective and I fought tooth and nail to get away from its' chains. There is no way in hell am I going to let that happen to me again. I am going to keep on breaking away, one breath at a time. 

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